Saturday, November 10, 2007

Dirk: Keeping it real ... long

Don’t you feel sorry for Dirk Nowitzki? This is why the shaggy MVP hasn’t been able to get a haircut.

“I wanted to cut it before we left,” he said, “but I had a lot of stuff going with my schedule, photo shoots, commercial shoots and all that going.”

Can you hear the tiny violins? I guess that’s also why he hasn’t picked up a razor. His look is very Pacific Northwest. That granola and Birkenstock combo never seems to go out of style up here, but that’s not why Dirk won’t visit Supercuts any time soon.

“I’m going to keep it long,” he said. “A couple guys said my short hair jinxes us every year. We got a couple of superstitious cats on our team. I’m not really superstitious, but I’m gonna roll with the team this year. I'll maybe cut off an inch, but keep it long.”

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